The Album Title IS…

I am thrilled to announce the title of my upcoming record. Obviously if you’re not reading my posts, then you aren’t seeing this and you won’t know what the title is. So there!
But since you are here reading this like the good fans you are I will unveil!!!!
The title of my Sophomore album is “Waltz Me Awake.” It is from a line in my song entitled “Beautiful.” The lyric is as follows…

Crazy cooing, morning sunshine, feeling your toes on my ankles, bare. Baby blinking, waking slowly, leaving our coats and keys on the stairs. Washing the sleep out of an open eye, you waltz me awake from a hushaby… In this ladle full of love that holds us, it is half full. It’s a story-like romance doled us, and it’s so beautiful.

…So this little phrase means a lot to me, coming from a place of love, awareness, and stirring into life. It’s also a line that reminds me to not only walk through life, but to dance through it and enjoy everything and everyone around me. It also says you have to open your eyes and take it all in, or else you’re sleeping through it, missing the good stuff. So that’s what it says for me. Of course this little title can mean a million things to a million people, and who am I to argue how it touches them. So whatever meaning this phrase holds for you, well, enjoy it.

– Angela

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