1 song to remix? Check! Sequence?

So Ryan Hadlock and I went back into the studio a couple weeks ago for some final tweaks and to revisit the mixing process on a song. I started this record with 15 songs to lay down. Now we have 13 that have made it to the final sequence. Ryan has really outdone himself on this remix! I’m SO incredibly happy with the work we’ve done together. Couldn’t have done it without him!

Most folks now a days don’t really care about a sequence for a record. I can’t tell you how many times I hear from people in the biz that arranging your songs in an order that’s both artistically moving and marketably effective is irrelevant. Well I disagree. I still buy whole albums, I still sit down with my favorite new CD, take Amy Correia’s newest “You Go Your Way” for instance, and listen to the whole thing in its entirety, top to bottom with the CD case and credits in my little hands. Yes, I still do that. I know I must be in the minority at this point, but I know I’m not alone!

Part of finishing a record and making decisions about what will ultimately be included in that record remains unavoidably self-indulgent on some level. This is why I have lyrics up on my website (because I would want to read them,) it’s why I have full album credits on my site, it’s why Undertone’s booklet has the FULL credits of who recorded what and who played what, it’s why my newest record is going to most likely have 13 songs on it instead of the standard 11 max. These are all things that I want in a record and a musician that I listen to. These are things I want as a listener. I can only call this my own self-indulgence! 😉

So for anyone reading this if there’s something that you, as a listener, always likes to see in a record or a website let me know. Granted I can’t please everybody, and ain’t that the truth. But it’s good to know how it all looks from your perspective. Then it’s not just MY self indulgence.

On another note I’ll be announcing the title of my next record shortly, probably in one of these posts. So you will have to read it to be in the loop!

13 songs in my sequence, a new mix for the song No One, an album being sent to mastering in LA, and some big news to be announced shortly. Take care, and hope 2010 gets a little easier on us.

– Angela

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